Back and Blooming πŸŒΌ

So I am back and blooming more than ever.

This blog used to be about my journey into Motherhood and the reflux/sick stories that came with it.

Fast forward 4 years and I have a blooming beauty of a daughter. We have been through some hard times the last few years and despite domestic abuse, anxiety and trauma we are both strong and thriving.

This blog is going to be a blog of positivity. I will touch on my journey and what has happened to us, to help other people that may be experiencing similar situations, but mainly it is about my positive visualisations for the future.

There are lots of exciting things to come that I can’t say much about yet but I will be working on new projects and the blog will be going live very soon.

Look out for well-being tips. Helping children to face anxiety, relaxation and calming tips for adults and lots of anecdotes of my life as a solo mummy.